Speak Out (protest against rape culture)

I will tell a story of grief,

And you will listen.

Your words struck me like

Heart beats of a humming bird:

Magnified, painful in their thudding

Love of the air that lets them sing

Out. Out bang-bang the

Metronome’s not wired but necessary

In its spontaneity.

So are your words.

Not required, but gifted on the

Wounded like embraces,

Sister to sister, you sound my grief

With your heart beats,

Your shaking legs,

Your truth –

No longer silenced –

It goes on.



  1. sophie_barnes

    This is so powerful. It makes me feel proud to have been a part of the DSK speak out and to be associated with the courageous women who spoke there.

    Love and solidarity in sisterhood Xxx

    • Ruth Graham

      Thanks so much for this comment Sophie. I am pretty much cripplingly shy about the poems I write (something I am facing!) but I wanted to share it because it is trying to express how powerful the women are who gave those testimonies (and the women who survive day to day with those testimonies inside), and how much it has stayed with me and so many other people I know. It is amazing how much support we can feel just from speaking to each other about these experiences. In light of all the recent attention on the men’s feminist group it feels like the right time to be thinking about sisterhood some more.

      In love and sisterhood back xxx

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