This workshop, the seventh in a successful series, aims to promote communication and exchange among people in Cambridge working on various aspects of reproduction. For full details of the programme and online registration, please click here:
Month: October 2011
Don’t get me wrong – I am never going to stop being passionate about the need for equality among the genders. I will always be distressed and anxious as long as we can still look at, for example, the DRC and the suffering of women there; as long as one in four women in the UK will be the victims of sexually motivated violence during the course of their lives; as long as globally families long for male children and abandon or maltreat their infant daughters, or as long as female children are not educated and have no political or social power. As long as we only have to turn to any magazine or newspaper, or advertising billboard, or TV advert to see women as objects, as submissive, as tools to whom millions of products are marketed to make us spend billions of pounds, dollars and euros on make-up, clothes, household cleaning products, childcare ‘solutions’, and cosmetic surgery.