Month: May 2010 (Page 2 of 4)

So who’s not interested in feminism?

There’s an issue which often bothers me slightly. Why do some things that are compelling to me, and to many of my friends, simply fail to engage the interest of many people?

I could be referring to any number of things- questioning body presentation norms, challenging institutional sexism, wondering how to confront problematic gender roles in personal life, offensive  gym advertisements, gender binaries, the problematicness of capitalism, actively engaging with climate change… Continue reading


Hey folks,

Just seen the trailer for the film Cul-de-Sac, about the life and work of Iranian lesbian Kiana Firouz. It looks really good. The experiences of homosexual people in oppressive societies is something really terrifying and fascinating.

I just wanted to make a post here about a possible trip to go see the film. It’s being premiered in London on the 20th of May (next Thursday). As an independent low-budget production I doubt it’s going to be showed in many other places – the Picturehouse might get it but we’d be lucky I think. So it would be nice to watch it while we have a chance. Obviously the timing couldn’t be worse for us Cambridge examinees. But it might still be worth it. So I was just wondering if there was any interest in organising a trip to see this next week. Continue reading

Female Dystopia: What would Britain look like if Women swapped places with Men?

Welcome to my imaginary world in which the genders swap. Women swap places with men; they behave the same way, they are viewed the same way, and they are treated the same way as men are today. Vice versa for the males. Note, I don’t mean are treated equally, I will come to that in a minute – I’m sure many of you are aware that same treatment does not equality make. But now, listen here. This is how Britain might look like if it were the case: Continue reading

Women in Government – facts, figures and rationalising

This is kind of an extension to Faith’s article about party representation.

Since 1918, women have been allowed to stand for Parliament, while not being very long ago, this hard earned victory should have represented a massive change in our country. One would hope it would allow the government to more closely resemble the people – one of the signs of a healthy democracy. Unfortunately this is not the case, while women and men are approximately equal in number (until we get older) only 291 female mps have been elected compared to 4365 male ones since 1918. In the last parliament men outnumbered women approximately 5 to 1. It’s often suggested that having a first past the post system makes us more likely to have straight white christian men in parliament, but even so – why are people not making a bigger deal about this? Continue reading

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